Data Structures and Algorithms_Linked List.4

Circular Linked List

Simple explanation and C code for creating circular linked list

Mohana Priya.T
2 min readSep 25, 2024

One issue faced with singly one way linked list ( or simply linked list) is that its like a one way road -> once you go forward , you can’t traverse back. ( much like life don’t you think?)

This issue is solved by a Circular Linked List. Here the last node’s link rather than set to NULL, is linked to the head node, making it possible to traverse back. (Time travel made possible 🤣)

Image representing circular linked list.

Now, (drum roll please)

The C code!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct node {
int info;
struct node *link;

int main() {
int i;
struct node *ptr, *q, *head;

// Create the head node
head = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
head->info = 1; // Start with the first meaningful value
head->link = NULL;

ptr = head; // Set ptr to head

// Create other nodes
for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
q = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
q->info = i;
q->link = NULL;

ptr->link = q; // Link the nodes
ptr = q; // Move ptr to the new node

// Make it circular
ptr->link = head; // Point the last node to head

// Printing values
ptr = head; // Start from head
do {
printf("%d -> ", ptr->info);
ptr = ptr->link;
} while (ptr != head);

printf("(back to %d)\n", head->info); // Indicate circularity
return 0;



Mohana Priya.T
Mohana Priya.T

Written by Mohana Priya.T

MP. T is a blogger, student and a perpetual day dreamer 😊 Check out her STEM blogs at

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