Binary Search
Simple explanation and C code for this basic algorithm!
2 min readNov 6, 2024
Binary Search is used to find elements in a sorted array. The time complexity of binary search is O(log n), which is faster than linear search’s time complexity of O(n).
Basic Principle
- If the target value is less than the middle number, continue searching in the left half.
- If the target value is more than the middle number , continue searching in the right half.
- This continues till we get the middle number = target value (i.e target found) or the array runs out of elements (i.e target not found)
- Find the element at arr[size/2], which will be the array’s midpoint. (The array is split halfway, with the lower half consisting of items 0 to midpoint -1 and the top half consisting of elements midpoint to size -1.)
- Compare the key to arr[midpoint] by calling the user function.
- If the key is a match, return arr[midpoint].
- Otherwise return NULL, indicating that there is no match if the array has only one element.
5. if key < arr[midpoint] , call function to search lower half of array.
else call search recursively to search the upper half of the array.
C code!
// Binary Search
#include <stdio.h>
int binary(int a[], int lower,int upper, int target){
int mid =( lower + upper)/2;
if ( target == a[mid])
return mid;
else if(target > a[mid])
return binary(a ,mid, upper,target);
else if (target < a[mid])
return binary(a, lower, mid, target);
else printf("Target not found");
int main()
int a[5] = { 1 ,4 ,5,7,8};
printf("Position - %d", binary (a, 0, 4, 8));